Monday, February 22, 2010

Stan sez (Feb 21)

If you're out today or this week and it's clear or clouds are at a
higher level, watch for migrating sandhill cranes, turkey vultures,
and raptors (broadtail hawks, for example). I've seen all three headed
north today. These birds are typically way up or circling in thermals
for altitude. You may also see the cranes reassembling in a V-
formation, much like ducks or geese. And you might hear the cranes
before you see them as their calls really carry. Various raptors may
fly together. Of course, many smaller songbirds are passing through
our area now, too. 


Mindy said...

Hearing an owl on Woodlawn Ave. Not a barred owl. Great horned? Makes a classic "hoot."

Aunt Michelle said...

I saw the Sand Hill Cranes go over around 1 PM on 2/23/10...just like last year. They were magnificent, numerous and LOUD!